Alright, imagine this...put a clone of your products and service right next to you. Same programs, similar offerings. Does that make you just another business selling the same 'ol thing...unable to compete, commodity like? Heck no, not if you interject the piece that no one can duplicate...YOU.
You and your experiences can be a strikingly powerful business advantage. Of course, you have to be willing to utilize it. We're talking about that on the show today with Cassandra Govan, the Fit’n’Fab Coach Cass, Health & Wellness Consultant, CEO of Dema Agency Consultants, LLC, and Founder of the SuperME Coaching Programs.
She lived her professional life as a façade and after almost two decades of being in this industry, finally broke those chains and shifted her focus to mind, body, and health acceptance and tolerance which eventually led to real freedom within her.
This change came from her creating and going through her own Body Development Success Plan; the same plan she encourages leaders and employees to experience.
Because of this personal shift, she's helping employers & CEOs and Entrepreneurs & employees, all over the globe, have it ALL by following her formula of Better behaviors + Better bodies = Better businesses.
She has spoken, hosted events, and done workshops to help leaders and employees at companies such as AT&T, Marriott, State Farm, Lucent Technology, and The Will Group. She has also had much success designing plans for athletes, professional and collegiate, Olympians, C-Suite bosses, and Presidents to ensure their health embodied their success.
She created SuperME Coaching programs which yielded jaw-dropping results for clients and herself such as complete mindset makeovers, acceptable body images, and improved health diagnosis.
Aside from helping individuals, one of her biggest accomplishments was when she created a national stage that empowered women to express their confidence, silence their inner nay-sayer and showcase their Fit’n’Fab results publicly. The event made such an impact in the transformation world and for women that an international bodybuilding association decided to adopt it and use it at their competitions as well as other gyms and trainers.
In this episode, we’ll talk about…
How competition is actually healthy and good
Doing things your way, showing up as you and watching your acceptance
Breaking barriers to achieve your dreams
Watch the whole video of this episode in this link: