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Candace Spears

Life-changing moments such as the elimination of her then Fortune 500 marketing operations job, sparked her to look closer and reset her perspective on her identity, and what she had to offer. Taking a new outlook into the next job, led her to author the book Bring Your Crayon’s to the Office, published while employed at the company that inspired her to write it, and publicly embraced by that company’s (MGIC Corporation), then CIO, CTO, and Claim’s division VP.


The life-altering confidence combined with the proven ability to scale changing careers enabled her to teach and coach the Agile mindset and Silicon Valley rooted Lean Startup principles to 600 plus professionals across three multi-billion dollar companies, including GE. Helping them re-think the work they do, and their approach, to deliver value faster.


Candace is currently the host of Ambition, Honey & Hustle, a daily podcast focused on helping ambitious professionals avoid the slow-moving career and get paid for two things: 1. Doing what excites them and 2. Making an impact bigger than anyone thought was possible.

Having a personal brand offer in place walking through the front door of her new company, allowed her to get promoted from analyst to the management team of a 1.1 billion dollar financial services company in less than 1.5 years. The youngest and only second black person at the time. She’s proven that reinventing yourself, and owning your brand is possible and when done right, leads to amazing fulfilling outcomes.

Now, personal brand in hand, her impact extends beyond corporate America, and her focus has zoomed in on helping ambitious professional women but part-time entrepreneurs transition into life-altering full-time entrepreneurship. Which is the journey she's completed and is laying the trail for others to follow rapidly. 

As a full-time serial entrepreneur in addition to supporting women in entrepreneurship through her company, Company Curators, she also owns a human capital, tech, and innovation consulting firm, Floor23 Digital, and is actively acquiring land for the development of a network of airbnb's through her company Milorah Property Group.

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