Failure is freeing! Yelling that from the mountaintops! much learning is tied up in the things we fail at and as entrepreneurs, baby... failure is a part of the process of bringing success and value to the world.
On the show today, I had this very conversation with DJ Higgins. DJ is an award-winning filmmaker and university educator, having produced such thought-provoking films as Meet Mario, and Pasquales Magic Veal. All of his films take a conscious responsibility for what shows up on the screen.
We’ve each had our fair share of failures, and we'll both tell you this...what comes out on the other side is yours to benefit from.
In this episode, we will talk about…
Why doing business not just to make money but a difference is important
How adversity is part of being an entrepreneur
How failure can be freeing
Watch the whole video of this episode in this link: